Make every new day the best day of your life.

Make every new day the best day of your life...

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's here!!!! I800A approval!!!

My I-800A approval arrived during the middle of last week, just when I was beginning to feel a little down. What a roller coaster! One day feeling not so great, then something arrives and presto, on the happy side again. Now, I will gather all the items for the dossier. There are a few things I have to do again, because of the dates, but I hope that it doesn't take too long. Now that we're into the third week of school, things are beginning to settle down a bit. Tonight, I actually feel more relaxed and calm that all of last week. Still, there are not enough hours in the day. Short post today...trying to go to bed earlier so I can get to school earlier....we'll see if that works.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Jane was here: September 6, 2010

Here I am, another year older, (birthday) waiting patiently for a sign that I am going in the right direction.
Waiting has to be the hardest thing in the world. My patience is running thin as I wait for news about my I800-A application being processed. What are the next steps...notarize...certify...think, think, think.
On another! What an incredibly busy week, Five days of school over. Where did it go. Why is there always so little time to do things? The list of jobs keeps getting longer and longer and time keeps disappearing.